Adjustments of package price and Timebank

Message from the board to the Lekkernassûh participants:

Lekkernassûh recently celebrated its 10th anniversary! And in all those years, the price of our package has hardly gone up. This year, unfortunately, we cannot escape a price increase. Of course, this is not because we want to make a profit, as we are a non-profit, self-organized by volunteers. It is necessary because all kinds of costs continue to rise and it is not responsible to further draw on our reserves for that.

Our last supercircle (a meeting with representatives from all the circles) agreed to the following:

  • The price for a vegetable package goes from €12.50 to €13.50 (for takeaway points to €14,50)
  • The appreciation for employees receiving Timebank hours goes down, from 0.65 to 0.55 Timebank hour per hour of work.

If you want to know more about motives and background, click here.

This change will take effect from the 1st of December 2024.