Pick-up point Musicon becomes market location

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Hooray! After being a pick-up point for quite some time, Musicon will become one of the regular Lekkernassûh market locations! From 15 January 2025, they will open their doors as a location from 5pm to 7pm. You can come here for your vegetable package. In addition, eggs, cheese and bread among other things will be sold at the location. Find the address details here.

What will change for the pick-up point participants now that it becomes a location?

  • As a participant, from now on you will keep your own profile page for ordering a vegetable package. You can change your profile until Sunday evening 20h to order a pack for the market on Wednesday. Don’t have a profile page yet? Create it here. If you have lost your profile page, check this link.
  • A vegetable package costs €13.50 for a location instead of €14.50 for a pick-up point. This is because it takes relatively less time and manpower for transport to a location.
  • You pay for your package at the cash register at the market and no longer in advance.
  • You can no longer order bread or eggs in advance; you buy these at the market during opening hours. In addition, cheese will also be sold at the location. Please note, gone is gone!
  • It is no longer possible to collect your package before the opening of the market location.

Running a market location requires more hands than a pick-up point. Would you like to help from time to time e.g. with the cash register or the vegetable give-outs? Then get in touch by emailing musicon@lekkernassuh.org. By helping at the market, you will get to know your local residents even better and you will get Timebank hours to pay for your parcel. Win – win!

If you still have questions, also check our ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ page. Still can’t figure it out? Mail to musicon@lekkernassuh.org.

We hope to see you at our new location!