Lekkernassûh festival 5 oktober!

Last 5 October, we celebrated the 10th anniversary of Lekkernassûh, the Weggeefwinkel and voedsellokaal the Gymzaal and celebrated the reopening of the Gymzaal. We celebrated this at all locations of Lekkernassûh. And how much we enjoyed it. So nice to see how many people celebrated this with us! Would you like to enjoy the day and the photos? Have a look here.

Maybe you have already heard about the 10-year recipe bundle idea? Share your most beautiful, delicious recipe or story about your Lekkernassûh vegetables with us. Read more about it here.


Working together to create a fair food chain in The Hague!
Foundation Lekkernassûh contributes to a fair and sustainable food chain in The Hague and its surroundings. We are the link between you and local farmers, market gardeners and other producers. On Wednesday afternoons, we organize a fresh market at various locations, where you can buy a vegetable package and other local delicacies. On Saturdays, our package-free shop is open, and using your own containers you can buy rice, pasta, oils and spices, among other things.

✔️ Community led, and contributes to the community
✔️ Fair price for the producer and for you
✔️ Fresh, local, seasonal and pesticide-free

Click to read more about us and about our suppliers.

Sign up and participate!

Create an online account and start getting a vegetable packet every Wednesday. In each week’s package, you will find at least 7 different vegetables. All fresh, local, seasonal and sustainably produced.

Additionally, on Saturdays, you can fill your own jars and bags at our package-free store. Our package-free goods and vegetable packages combine well to make delicious meals.

Click to learn more about how to apply for our vegetable packet or about the package-free store.

By working together, we make the difference

Lekkernassûh is all about cooperation. Our markets are created through the deployment of many hands. Co-workers are rewarded with Timebank hours which you can use to pay for your package, as well as other products!

Want to help? Want to know more about Timebank.cc?

©️ Photography by finefocus.nl