Together we make a difference
At Lekkernassûh, teams of co-workers collaborate to make sure that all activities in and around the fresh market and the packaging-free shop happen. We are continually looking for people who want to help, and there are a variety of tasks to choose from.

Every little bit helps!
Would you like to come and help on a flexible basis, when you have time? Then the market team at one of the locations might be a good match for you.
Would you like to contribute on a regular basis and be active behind the scenes? That is also possible. For example, helping to buy the vegetables, maintaining the website, and contributing to the board fall under this category.
Whatever your experience, you are always welcome! By working together, we make Lekkernassûh a reality. Would you like to join us? Read below what you can do!
Since February 2018, we have been working with This means that we can reward co-workers with Timebank hours (and these hours can be used to pay for your vegetable package, cheese, and products from the package-free shop at Lekkernassûh).
You can read more about this here:
What can I do?
Market team
There is a wide range of jobs needed to create the markets: you can help set up the market, during the market you can stock crates, weigh vegetables, help at the cash register or sell cheese. Or you can help clean up when the market is over. There is plenty to do!
Check the market schedule!
Do you have questions, email us at
Package-free shop
The package-free shop in the Gymzaal (Witte de Withstraat 127) is open every Saturday. We are constantly looking for volunteers who can help with selling the goods.
Would you like to help?
Sign-up here!
For questions, email us
If you like to help with (bicycle) transport, and you are available on Wednesday morning/ beginning of the afternoon, this one is for you.
You start with picking up the vegetables at the Gymzaal and transport them by bicycle to our pick-up points and the various Lekkernassûh locations in The Hague.
Check the market schedule!
For questions, email us at
Chief incoming goods
Every Wednesday morning, three suppliers arrive at The Gymzaal at different times between 7.30am and 9am. Do you enjoy welcoming them in good order, checking packing orders and making sure the packages are ready to go to the other market locations at 10am?
Want to know more?
Does it sound like something for you? Send us an email at
Does communicating come easily to you? Do you write well? Do you enjoy using various communication channels (online / offline) to spread Lekkernassûh’s ideals? Then we can use your help on our communication team! Read more.
Does this sound good to you? Then send us an email to, so we can discuss possibilities together.
Purchasing team
The purchasing team ensures that the weekly vegetable packet has an attractive content, based on the supply available from the farmers. The purchasing team is the link between the vegetables from the farms and the vegetables in your shopping bag. Contact with the suppliers (in Dutch), switching quickly and thinking of creative solutions if something unexpected cannot be delivered, and looking at supply and demand are all part of the job. It is important to read and write in (basic) Dutch. Want to know more?
Does this sound like you? Please send an email to
Like any organization, knowledgeable people are needed to manage the technical aspects of the website, to help link the organization with social media, and to help manage subscriptions, etc.
Does this appeal to you? Email to check out the possibilities.
(Financial) administration
Administration of all the financial aspects of our members and markets, including payments, orders, bookkeeping, setting up PIN payments, and Timebank management are also necessary tasks that require people who find this work exciting.
Does this appeal to you? Email to check out the possibilities.
Check our vacancies for the tasks for which we are specifically looking for new people!
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