What is Lekkernassûh?
Lekkernassûh is an organized community of people working together with the vision of offering a fair, local food system in and around The Hague. The main activity is the weekly fresh market in De Gymzaal on the Witte de Withstraat and other locations. On Wednesdays, an average of 500 people per week come to pick up a vegetable package.
What are your locations and openings hours?
The opening hours and locations of our fresh markets can be seen here.
The opening hours and location of our package-free shop can be seen here.
What does it cost to participate?
Signing up is free. A weekly vegetable packet costs €13.50* or 1.35* Timebank.cc hours.
If you pick up your package at a pick-up point the price is €14,50*. Read here why.
* A price change for package price and Timebank fee will apply from Dec 1, 2024. Read more here.
How can I become a member (participate)?
Read our introduction page and then use the form to register.
Am I committed to anything?
No, you can decide each week whether you want to order a vegetable pack. You are only obligated to purchase a package when your account is set to ‘ACTIVE’.
Are you also in other cities?
No, Lekkernassûh is a truly Hague initiative. But you can find similar initiatives more and more in other cities! Search using terms like ‘food cooperative’ or ‘VoKo’ or check the website of Community Supported Agriculture network.
Market location or pick-up point
What is the difference between a market location and a pick-up point?
A location has more than 20 participants whereas a pick-up/collection point starts from at least 5 participants. If you collect your package from a location, you manage your profile yourself meaning that you are responsible for updating your status to ‘active’ if you want a package. At a location, you can often also buy extras (cheese, bread, etc.), but you do not have to register for this in advance. At a pick-up point, your profile status is paused because your order always goes through the contact person of the pick-up point. Besides your vegetable package, you can also order eggs and bread with the contact person.
A vegetable package at a pick-up point costs € 14.50* instead of €13.50*. We charge 1 euro extra because it costs us extra time and manpower to put the packets together and transport them to the pick-up point.
* A price change for package price and Timebank fee will apply from Dec 1, 2024. Read more here.
Why are there pick-up points?
To ease pressure on markets in corona time, pick-up points were created. Because this was enthusiastically received, they continue to exist. It’s a great way to build your own little Lekkernassûh community within your neighbourhood!
Can I also start a pick-up point or location?
Yes, you can do both. Read more about it here.
How do I know where the pick-up points are?
Not all pick-up points are listed on the website, because in some cases they are already full. On the Locations and opening hours page, you can see which collection points have space for new participants.
Can you pay with Timebank hours at both a location and a pick-up point?
Yes, you can. At the pickup point, you send your proof of payment to the contact person at the pick-up point. At a location, you show the proof of payment at the cash desk. More questions about Timebank? Check the questions about Timebank further down.
Package content
How large/heavy is the package?
The standard package contains at least 7 different vegetables. We cannot specify a weight as summer vegetables tend to be lighter than winter ones.
What kind of vegetables are in the package?
It depends on the season and the supply. All vegetables are grown without pesticides and artificial fertilizers. Some farmers have an organic certificate, but not all. But they all grow sustainably, without pesticides or fertilizers. The vegetables come from as close as possible to The Hague.
Does the package contain fruits or herbs as well?
Yes, sometimes it does. Apples, pears, plums or raspberries, for example, depending on the season. And occasionally, we have herbs like parsley, mint, etc.
Where do our products come from?
This page gives you an overview of our farmers.
What’s the price of a vegetable package?
€13,50 or 1,35 hours if you want to pay with Timebank hours.
Read more about Timebank hours below.
* A price change for package price and Timebank fee will apply from Dec 1, 2024. Read more here.
How can I pay for my package?
Payment methods at the different locations can be seen here.
Who decides the content of the package?
The people who work on the purchasing team, and they are open to suggestions. Please email inkoop@lekkernassuh.org as we enjoy hearing from participants.
Can I also contribute something to the package?
Yes, it can be done in two ways:
– If you have something sustainable and local to sell in small quantities, it is possible to offer it for sale in addition to a vegetable package. Here you can find for more info.
– If you have a vegetable or plant in large quantities that we can fill packages with, that is also an option.
In either case, speak to one of the volunteers at the market. They will direct you to the right person to organize it. You can also email info@lekkernassuh.org.
Helping out at Lekkernassûh
I would like to participate, what can I do?
There is plenty to do in and around the market. Broadly speaking, it consists of:
– Market construction
– Running the market, (cleaning up crates, talking to people, cutting cheese, being a cashier)
– Cleaning up the market
– Purchasing
– Communication
– Website and ICT
– (Financial) administration
Does something appeal to you? You can read more about it here.
We also regularly have specific vacancies for which we are looking for people. You can find them here.
I would like to participate, how can I sign up?
Read more about how to register to help here. Do you have a question about helping out at Lekkernassûh? Speak to one of our volunteers at the market or send an email to info@lekkernassuh.org.
Personal link
I can’t access my profile anymore, what should I do?
Go to the page “Lost my personal link.” You enter your email address here, and then you will receive an email with your personal link.
I requested my link, but I’m not receiving anything, what now?
Did you just request your link? Please wait, as sometimes it takes 5 minutes for the email to come through. You should also check your spam box. If you do not receive an email, then contact us at webmaster@lekkernassuh.org.
How can I unsubscribe?
Fill in and submit the form on the page, Unsubscribe.
Do you have a privacy statement on your website?
Yes, go to this page to read about how Lekkernassûh handles participant data.
Organization around the package
How does that work, with ACTIVE and PAUSE?
We work with a “subscription”, which you manage yourself on your personal page. If you’re on ACTIVE, we’ll purchase a package for you and count on you to come. If you are on PAUSE, then there is no package for you that week. If you don’t change your subscription, it will stay as it is. If you are going on vacation, put yourself on PAUSE before the deadline on Sunday evenings! In addition, your subscription is also tied to a location. If you sign up for the market in the Gymzaal then your vegetables will be waiting for you there, and if you have chosen another location, then we expect you at that location.
What’s the deadline?
Sunday evening 8:00 pm before the market the following Wednesday. Don’t miss it!
At 8:00 pm, we make the list, based on how the subscriptions are active at that time. On Monday, buy the vegetables to fill those subscriptions, and on Wednesday the vegetables are delivered.
Here is the pattern in a weekly calendar format:
(Inkoop=Purchase; Levering=Delivery; Markt=Market)

I was too late to change my account to ACTIVE, now what?
If you want to come pick up a package this week, but you were still on PAUSE at 8:00 pm on Sunday night, the purchasing team is not counting on you. However, sometimes there are packages left over. Therefore, you can come near the end of the market, generally the last half hour. From that time on, participants who are on PAUSE may buy a package if there are enough vegetables available, or may be able to buy loose vegetables.
What if I was on ACTIVE, but I can’t pick up my package?
It can, of course, happen that you are unable to collect your package. Because you have registered as ACTIVE, your packet has been purchased. If you do not collect it, it means that these vegetables will remain and that Lekkernassûh will have to pay for them. Therefore, make sure that someone else picks up your package. For example, you could ask a neighbor (perhaps they will also become enthusiastic about Lekkernassûh!). Or post a message on the Facebook page “Lekkernassûh pakket ophalen voor je buren”. ****If your package isn´t picked up, we will ask you to voluntarily pay for your uncollected package at your next market visit. This is how we keep our non-profit organization running and affordable.
Can you modify my subscription?
No, it is a self-service system. Use your personal link to keep track of your subscription. If you can’t manage it yourself, someone close to you may be able to help.
Where is the page with a the info about Lekkernassûh and Timebank.cc
What can I buy with my Timebank hours?
You can pay for your vegetable package with Timebank hours. One package costs 1.25 hours.
You can also pay for cheese and products from the package-free shop with Timebank hours.
How can I pay with Timebank hours?
For your package, you can pay in advance on the Timebank website and show your payment confirmation at checkout. You can find the payment page here. Of course, you can also do this on the spot with your cell phone and then show the payment confirmation at the cash register.
For all other products, the amount of Timebank hours you need to pay is calculated at the checkout. You can then transfer this amount to your cell phone using this link. After you have paid, show your receipt to the cashier.
What is the Lekkernassûh worker’s compensation?
0.55* per hour worked. That is, 55% with Timebank hours and 45% as a volunteer for each hour worked. You can read more about this here.
* A price change for package price and Timebank fee will apply from Dec 1, 2024. Read more here.
If you have any other questions. Speak to one of our volunteers at the market or send an email to info@lekkernassuh.org.
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