Earn Timebank hours for your time
Since 2018, Lekkernassuh has partnered with Timebank.cc, which is a Community Currency, accessible to everyone, as a way to share time, skills and knowledge. At Lekkernassûh, you can help out at the market and earn Timebank hours. These hours can be used to buy things like your veggie package, cheese and products from the package-free shop.
To keep the Lekkernassûh market and its organization running, we need money (euros) and labor (time). With Euros, we pay for vegetables, the cost of the premises, internet, logistics among other similar things. With Timebank hours, we create the possibility to credit hours worked with Timebank hours, which can then be spent at Lekkernassûh or in other ways within the Timebank.cc community.

How does it work?
Help at the market
Come and help at one of our markets or behind the scenes. This way, you can earn your own Timebank hours.
If you have helped, you can declare your hours worked.
Timebank hours will then be added to your Timebank account. Next time you come to the market, you can pay with your Timebank hours!
Hourly fee
As you can imagine, we need to cover both costs in Euros and costs in time. Therefore, we pay 0.55* Timebank hours per hour worked. This means that 55% of each hour worked is compensated with Timebank hours and 45% is volunteer work.
So what does it cost?
A vegetable package costs €13.50*. In Timebank hours this costs 1.35* and €0. Prices for cheese, eggs and items from the package-free shop are charged at the cash register.
* A price change for Timebank fee and package price will apply from Dec 1, 2024. Read more here.
Getting started!
Have you already signed up with Timebank.cc? Super! Proceed to Pay with Time.
Not signed up to Timebank.cc yet? Then create an account at Timebank.cc.
One way to add hours to this account is by coming into Lekkernassûh to help out. The time you work will be deposited into your Timebank account by Lekkernassûh.
Pay with Time
Do you have enough Timebank hours? Then you can use them to pay for your veggie package, cheese, and products from the package-free shop, for example.
At the cash register, you indicate that you want to pay with Timebank hours. They calculate how much you have to pay. Do you only have a package? Then you can make your payment in advance and show a screenshot of your payment receipt.
©️ Photo by finefocus.nl