Bread by the Volkskeuken
A well-known product at Lekkernassûh is the bread from the Volkskeuken. You can eat it with a slice of cheese, creamy peanut butter, delicious jam, and it is also delicious on its own. Nothing beats freshly baked bread. The Volkskeuken offers a variety of freshly baked breads, both sweet and savory, every Wednesday at the Lekkernassûh fresh markets.
Below are the most common breads and their ingredients. All ingredients (except sea salt) are SKAL certified. SKAL certifies organic products in the Netherlands.
If you would like to learn more about our bread, please

- whole wheat flour
- rye flour
- sourdough
- sunflower seeds
- pumpkin seeds
- nut mix (hazelnuts, brazil nuts and walnuts)
- sea salt
- wholemeal spelt flour
- sourdough
- sunflower seeds
- sea salt
- whole wheat flour
- oat flakes
- raisins
- apricots
- sunflower seeds
- pumpkin seeds
- nut mix (hazelnuts, brazil nuts and walnuts)
- sea salt
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