Help out and sign in!

Want to help at one of our market locations?
Sign in by using the registration form for the fresh market

Want to help at the package-free shop?
Sign in by using the registration form for the package-free shop!


Naam medewerker:


Let op: Log alleen in met je eigen logingegevens. Als je je gegevens met iemand deelt, draag jij daar verantwoordelijkheid voor.


Bestelformulier voor afhaalpunten is hier te vinden.


Contactpagina Intern
Login details can be requested from your circle’s Leadlink.

How do we organise ourselves?

Lekkernassûh works according to the principles of self-organisation. This means that there are no bosses or managers there are, but that every employee has an equal say. We work with circles. Each circle has different roles. To make our organisation transparent, we work with Holaspirit. This is a digital collaboration platform to help self-managing organisations work effectively and with more transparency and clarity. Want to know more about this or curious to see what our organisation chart looks like? Then take a look here.