The best comes from close by
We work with various local farmers, gardeners, producers and entrepreneurs from South Holland, Zeeland, Flevoland and Limburg. You will find vegetables and sometimes fruit in your weekly vegetable package. We also sell products from local entrepreneurs at our fresh markets. The selection changes per market and per moment. All of these beautiful products can be found at our fresh markets.
Do you want to know more about how the vegetable package is assembled each week? Then read on here.

Our suppliers
Depending on the season, harvest and supply, we purchase vegetables, fruits, cheese, eggs and herbs from the suppliers listed below. Below is an overview arranged by the distance to The Hague.
0-20 km
Bread and other delicious food from the Volkskeuken (Zuid- Holland)
Cresco BV in Honselersdijk (Zuid-Holland)
Hoeve Biesland in Delfgauw (Zuid-Holland) (delivering the cheese sold at the Musicon, Spinozahof and Toverbosch).
Eggs from Hoeve Biesland in Delfgauw (Zuid-Holland)
Regeneratieve tuinderij WIJdehorst (Land van Ons) in Wassenaar (Zuid-Holland)
Tuinderij Bramenhorst in Wassenaar (Zuid-Holland)
Be Leaf in ‘s Gravenzande (Zuid Holland)
Bio-dynamische kwekerij van Paassen in Oude Lede (Zuid-Holland)
20-70 km
Eko-logisch David Luyendijk in Roelofarendsveen (Zuid-Holland)
Biokaas Kinderdijk in Alblasserdam (Zuid-Holland) (delivering the cheese sold at the Gymzaal).
Frank de Koning in Tinte/Rockanje (Zuid-Holland)
Tuinderij Peter Boer in Zwijndrecht (Zuid-Holland)
Peter van der Erve in Goudswaard (Zuid-Holland)
Cultivation agreements 2024
For the 2024 harvest, Lekkernassûh made cultivation agreements with a number of organic farmers in the vicinity of The Hague. These cultivation agreements are based on the expected demand for vegetables by Lekkernassûh participants.
For this year’s crop planning, we coordinated with each local grower to get the widest possible variety in supply. As a result, we avoid, for example, having the same vegetables in our packages all the time.
For the time being, we have cultivation agreements with Kievitamines in Katwijk aan Zee, Hoeve Biesland in Delfgauw and WIJdehorst (part of Land van Ons) in Wassenaar.
The agreements fit with our goal of getting as many organically grown seasonal vegetables as possible from around The Hague. Usually those vegetables are freshly harvested the day before. Also, because of these arrangements, little or no packaging material is needed.
When coordinating with growers, the type of soil (more sandy or clay), location and differences in experience are taken into account. In the end, each grower usually provides specific vegetables that other growers do not want or cannot easily grow.
If the harvest is sufficient, we aim to purchase at least 60% of the Lekkernassûh vegetables from these three farms between April and October. Our aim is to also include other local growers in our crop planning in the future.

Our chickens
Since early October 2022, we have added a new link to our organic chain! In the form of a few hundred of chattering little feathered ladies: Novogen X Brown laying hens. They happily scratch around on the meadows. That scratching is not only fun for them, but also good for soil life and they lay really tasty eggs. The assistant farmers at Hoeve Biesland collect the eggs for us and look after the chickens.

Bread by the Volkskeuken
A well-known product at Lekkernassûh is the bread from the Volkskeuken. You can eat it with a slice of cheese, creamy peanut butter, delicious jam, and it is also delicious on its own. Nothing beats freshly baked bread. The Volkskeuken offers a variety of freshly baked breads, both sweet and savory, every Wednesday at the Lekkernassuh fresh markets.
Curious about the ingredients of the bread? Read more here. If you would like to learn more about our bread, please email
Third-party vendors
In addition to picking up a vegetable packet every week, there is an opportunity for subscribers and other interested customers to purchase a variety of (food) products from third-party vendors during their weekly visit to the market. The products represented are locally produced and created with organic, sustainable methods that reflect the values of the Lekkernassûh organization. We like to support small, local producers that provide an interesting assortment of local, organic options to our members.
Stop by any of our markets on a Wednesday to see what kind of products are currently being offered, or on a Saturday at the Gymzaal. Product offerings are constantly changing based on season and which vendors approach us.
Are you interested in becoming a new vendor? Then look here.

©️ Photo 1 by Eva Polakovicova – photo 2 by Monika Kubala – photos 3 and 4 by