Week 19 : 8th May

Next week's package is perfect for a ratatouille! Chop up the aubergines, pepper, tomatoes and onions, stew together and don't forget a pinch of thyme. And why not follow with a hearty rhubarb crumble for dessert? We hope you like this package again. Please don’t forget to change your status before Sunday 8 pm…

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Deze week in het pakket / this week's package

Week 12 : 20th March

Next week's package has something special: Yacón! Originally from the Andes, these tubers can be eaten raw and taste like fresh apple/melon, with the crisp, juicy texture of water chestnuts. So add them to fruit salads, hot dishes, stir-fries or deep fry them! We will also enjoy the last vegetable from our 2023 harvest…

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Deze week in het pakket / this week's package

Week 15: 12th of April

Following your Easter-weekend feasts you have lots of fresh yellows and greens to look forward to! Pair the sweet earthiness of golden beetroot with the sharpness of arugula in a spring salad. Or if you're still in the mood for hearty dishes, why not make a creamy leek and mushroom pie? Eet smakelijk! We…

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