Happy chickens at the Biesland Hoeve

Elien from Hoeve Biesland sent photos of our chickens camping on their property. ¨Sunny greetings from the farm and some pictures of your adopted chickens! They are doing well and scurrying around deliciously (among the cows).¨ If you want to see them for yourself, this is the address: Hoeve Biesland, Bieslandseweg 1, 2645 BM…

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Bramenhorst: plant sale and exchange on April 20 and 27

Paul van Steijn grows organic vegetables at the Bramenhorst in Wassenaar.Cultivation is 100% poison-free and 100% fossil fuel-free, with green label compost and seeds from his own extraction. He regularly supplies vegetables for the package of Lekkernassûh. His land also grows many species of native plants (garden, wild, edible and herbs).You can buy plants…

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Rhubarb harvest

🌱 Last week there was delicious rhubarb in the parcel. It came from the Bramenhorst, a small-scale organic garden in Wassenaar. The photos show gardener Paul with last week's harvest. Have you made something tasty with it yet? Photos by Bramenhorst

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Tour at food swamp Zuiderpark

🌿 This weekend, a good number of Lekkernassûh participants and volunteers visited Food Swamp The Hague. A food swamp, what exactly is that? Helene, together with Hannah and Suzanne, explained that to us on Saturday morning. All this while enjoying a delicious cup of tea including water mint and water parsley from the food…

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Food swamp Zuiderpark

In Zuiderpark (300 m2), a group has started the Netherlands' first so-called Food Swamp. Here, they are experimenting with wet cultivation in the peat meadow area and investigating alternative earning models for agricultural entrepreneurs. This year, they plan to offer the first harvest of unknown edible crops (such as water mint, licorice shoots and…

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Local eggs

Did you know that the eggs you can buy at Lekkernassuh fresh market have been coming from very close by for a few weeks now? In addition to the vegetables from our harvest section that come in your pack every week, our eggs now also come from Hoeve Biesland in Delfgauw. The chickens live…

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New barn Landzicht

Thanks in part to the large purchase by Lekkernassûh, Landzicht Biologisch (Strijen, on Voorne-Putten) now has the opportunity to build an additional barn. This will be used for storing and sorting organic vegetables to be delivered to customers. Photo by Landzicht

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News from Hoeve Biesland

Keep those spring jitters coming! At Hoeve Biesland, they are not sitting still and are working hard to grow the first crops that will soon be in your vegetable pack. Watch Ollie proudly stand by the new 'hanging culture' in the greenhouse of Hoeve Biesland's vegetable garden. These hanging trays are specially made for…

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Picking pears at Hekendorp

Do you remember the apples and pears from a few weeks ago in our package? Little throwback from when these were picked by the people of Lekkernassûh at the orchard in Hekendorp! Photographer unknown

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