Week 14 : 3rd April

A healthy and nutritious package awaits you after Easter weekend! Get creative with the Jerusalem artichoke by thinly slicing it into a pasta dish with hazelnuts for earthy undertones. For a side salad, use the peppery Minuza as you would rocket and mix in slithers of the radish for some extra vitamins. We hope…

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Week 13 : 27nd March

Welcome spring! To celebrate the arrival of THE season of sprouting and blooming, you can sprinkle some chives as confetti over your dishes this week. You can also make the chives spreadable if you mix them with some nuts and oil from our package-free store to make a pesto. Winter is still present this…

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Week 12 : 20th March

Next week's package has something special: Yacón! Originally from the Andes, these tubers can be eaten raw and taste like fresh apple/melon, with the crisp, juicy texture of water chestnuts. So add them to fruit salads, hot dishes, stir-fries or deep fry them! We will also enjoy the last vegetable from our 2023 harvest…

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Week 11: March 13th

This week we have a special vegetable in the package: flower sprouts! Flower sprouts are a cross between brussels sprouts and kale. They are also called kale sprouts or kalettes. The taste is mild and less strong and bitter than regular sprouts. Delicious to use in a pasta like the Kievit's recipe of flowersprouts…

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Week 10: March 6

Next week's package can be transformed into a nutrient-rich green frittata to welcome in the month of March. Throw in the Menopper potatoes, leek, spinach and don't forget to caramelise the banana shallots, an onion/shallot cross and great source of vitamin C! In next Wednesday’s package 250 grams of spinach | Kievit in Lelystad…

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Week 9: February 28

This week we may again bring trays to take home the delicious sauerkraut! It's a classic to make it into a stew but try it in a quiche. The topinambur lends itself perfectly to a stew adventure with the shitake, a cosy meal, enjoy it before the gloomy months are over. In next Wednesday’s…

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Week 8: February 21st

This week's package includes delicious grey oyster mushrooms. They have an aromatic, creamy and almost meaty flavour, making them a good meat substitute. You can go in any direction with them: use them in a soup, make a sauce, or stir-fry them with the pak choi, for example. Or just try them on a…

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Week 7: February 14th

The days are slowly getting longer, but it still feels like winter. And that calls for delicious winter food. With this week's vegetables, you can go either way. For example, make a nice pea soup with celeriac, carrot and potato. Do stewed pears also remind you of Christmas? Of course, these are also delicious…

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Week 6: February 7th

This week there is a varied package. It includes chicory, which many people often find to taste a bit bitter. Fun fact: chicory is grown in the dark, so no bitter (green) chloroform is produced. So keep chicory dark at home too, and in addition, don't cook chicory too long: 12 minutes is enough…

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Week 5 : January 31st

As we reach the end of January we have a varied package to look forward to next week. Did you know that radish is from the mustard family? That explains its spicy edge. Try combining with the leek and kale, to make a hearty gratin, or slice on top of the lettuce for a…

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Week 4: January 24th

The salsify is back this week! The long thin root with brown skin has many nicknames. They are also called winter asparagus or ‘armelui’ asparagus because their taste is similar to asparagus. Peeling releases a sticky juice that stains easily. For that it’s also called 'kitchen maid's grief' or 'housewife's grief'. Tip: put on…

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Week 3: January 17

Since the Gym had no mushrooms last week, this week's repeat! Due to the frost, last week's harvest did not go as planned, we are bobbing along with the seasons and weather conditions. We are very grateful to all the farmers, bicycle couriers, market people for still putting together a market every week. Delicious…

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Week 2: January 10

"On January 1, eat sauerkraut and bacon, then you won't be short of money all year." We can place this old saying with an additional benefit in the present time. Sauerkraut with bacon was known as a fact that people used to stock up on food which saved money. In addition, stocking up on…

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Week 1: January 3rd

Start the new year with healthy sustainable vegetables with another delicious fresh package. Next week's package is the perfect base for a tasty stew. For example, go for a kale stew with yellow onion and sautéed mushrooms. Not a stew fan? You can also make a delicious wok with, for example, cabbage, leeks and…

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Week 51: December 20th

It's going to be feasting time again! The time of cozy, warm winter food is here, so the stews, ragouts and hearty soups are ready again. With this package, you can make a sweet potato leek stew with a chestnut mushroom gravy.  Or make a parsnip-pumpkin quiche with a tasty winter purslane salad with…

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