Week 11 : 12th March

Warm Winter Vegetable Bowl – Roast red cabbage, beets, and potatoes, then serve with wilted winter purslane and thyme for a hearty meal. In next Wednesday’s package 100 grams winter purslane, Michel Boon in Veghel 100 grams ernyngii/Konimgsoester mushrooms, Koert Pleunis in Stramproy 1 red cabbage, Warmonderhof in Dronten 1 pak choi, Bob Biofood…

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Week 34 : August 21st

Some interestingly-shaped vegetables and a splash of purple will feature in next week's package! There's a zappho (or pumpkin) courgette, a purple kohlrabi and some beetroot to look forward to. And you can turn up the heat too in next week's meals with some jalapeños; use them for garnish, char them or pickle them…

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Week 16 : 17th April

Next week's package contains some classics for you to welcome the warmer weather. Add the aubergine and red pepper in a smoky tagine, or roast along with the tomatoes for a Mediterranean salad to greet these longer evenings.  And for tomorrow: 13 April craft afternoon Lekkernassûh 10 years. Read below the package contents for more…

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Week 14 : 3rd April

A healthy and nutritious package awaits you after Easter weekend! Get creative with the Jerusalem artichoke by thinly slicing it into a pasta dish with hazelnuts for earthy undertones. For a side salad, use the peppery Minuza as you would rocket and mix in slithers of the radish for some extra vitamins. We hope…

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Week 12 : 20th March

Next week's package has something special: Yacón! Originally from the Andes, these tubers can be eaten raw and taste like fresh apple/melon, with the crisp, juicy texture of water chestnuts. So add them to fruit salads, hot dishes, stir-fries or deep fry them! We will also enjoy the last vegetable from our 2023 harvest…

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Week 8: February 21st

This week's package includes delicious grey oyster mushrooms. They have an aromatic, creamy and almost meaty flavour, making them a good meat substitute. You can go in any direction with them: use them in a soup, make a sauce, or stir-fry them with the pak choi, for example. Or just try them on a…

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Week 4: January 24th

The salsify is back this week! The long thin root with brown skin has many nicknames. They are also called winter asparagus or ‘armelui’ asparagus because their taste is similar to asparagus. Peeling releases a sticky juice that stains easily. For that it’s also called 'kitchen maid's grief' or 'housewife's grief'. Tip: put on…

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Week 48: November 29th

The days are getting shorter and it is starting to feel like winter outside. But this week a cheerful and colorful package, full with delicious vegetables that you can go either way with. The pumpkin and fennel, for instance, are ideal for a soup. And the sweet potato combines wonderfully in a stew with…

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Week 40: October 4th

This week, we have a delicious package with fresh ingredients for a tasty Dutch 'stamppot'. Think for example of a leek and bell bell pepper stamppot with crumbled feta or a red cabbage stamppot with apple. Plenty of options! Your help is needed! Your weekly vegetable package is the result of the collaboration of…

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Week 38: 20th of September

This week we have a delicious, varied package of tasty vegetables that you can use to make a spread for your sandwich! For example, think of celeriac salad with mayonaise, a fresh tzatziki with cucumber, an eggplant baba ganoush or a yellow beet-horseradish spread with soaked sunflower seeds from the fresh market. In short:…

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Week 32: August 9th 2023

Next week we have a variety of tasty greens. You can make, for example, of a tasty salad of pak choi and red peppers with a dressing of soy sauce and rice vinegar. Or make a quiche with leeks and chestnut mushrooms! We hope you like this package again, please don't forget to change…

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Week 23: June 7

Do you steam or grill your pak choi? Either way, the Chinese cabbage is best cooked briefly so it retains its characteristic crunch. The rest of next week's package offers all the foundations of fresh, summer salad to complement your sunny evenings. Enjoy! We hope you like this package again, please don't forget to…

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Week 17: 26th of April

This week we have all the ingredients for a delicious picnic salad with endless combinations of tomatoes, cucumber and arugula. Quiche is delicious with salad, try incorporating the portobello, the somewhat pronounced flavor comes out well in with a creamy (cheese) filling for example. Tomorrow there is a vegetable garden day planned at Hoeve Biesland, you…

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Week 11: 15th of March

This week another package full of great flavors and some lesser known vegetables like Jerusalem artichokes, radish and carrot parsley. Sometimes it takes a few minutes to think about what to make with these. Delicious Jerusalem artichoke chips from the oven, a fresh salad with radishes and a hot soup with parsley root. Just…

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Week 7: 15th of February

Garlic is generous in flavor and has the power to make your dishes shine this week. Did you know that fresh garlic is slightly softer in flavor than the dried variety? It’s ideal for incorporating raw into a celeriac salad or in a sauce made from puffed celeriac. The preparation of this winter gem…

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