Spring market at Eetbaar Park

Come along to the spring market of Eetbaar Park in The Hague. We will also be present with a stand with information about Lekkernassûh. What else can you expect? There will be information stalls, seed, plant and book stalls, presentations, workshops, demonstrations, meeting, exchange and more. Where: Eetbaar Park 1 (Zuiderpark) accessible via bridge…

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Sustainable spring market

Welcome to the sustainable spring market in the Gymzaal! Where: De Gymzaal, Witte de Withstraat 127, 2518 CS The HagueWhen: Saturday 8 April from 13.30 - 16.30 Including information about The Hague Food Council, Ons Eten, Land van Ons, Lekkernassûh, the gymzaal's renovation, magazine Genoeg (about consumerism), plants and other fine things for sale,…

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Tour at food swamp Zuiderpark

🌿 This weekend, a good number of Lekkernassûh participants and volunteers visited Food Swamp The Hague. A food swamp, what exactly is that? Helene, together with Hannah and Suzanne, explained that to us on Saturday morning. All this while enjoying a delicious cup of tea including water mint and water parsley from the food…

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Food swamp Zuiderpark

In Zuiderpark (300 m2), a group has started the Netherlands' first so-called Food Swamp. Here, they are experimenting with wet cultivation in the peat meadow area and investigating alternative earning models for agricultural entrepreneurs. This year, they plan to offer the first harvest of unknown edible crops (such as water mint, licorice shoots and…

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Restarting Volkskeuken dinners

Dear people, After a short winter break, De Volkskeuken's Wednesday dinners are restarting. At a new location at Helena van Doeverenplantsoen 3. For the first few weeks, the theme is Cucina povera and the table of abundance. The dinners are on a donation basis and you can join us every Wednesday from 18:00. More…

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Volkskeuken winterbreak

December was the last Volkskeuken dinner for now during the fresh market in the Gymzaal. In 2023 there will be a new location for the Volkskeuken dinners, and possibly in the future in the Gymzaal. We will of course keep you informed. We want to thank all the new and familiar faces for the…

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Sustainable Christmas market

This Saturday, right after the packaging-free store, there will be a sustainable Christmas market in the Gym! At the various tables, you will learn how to make your own laundry detergent or kombucha, how to save energy when cooking, and how to grow your own sprouts, among other things. 💚 From 10-13 a.m. you…

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Make reservations for Wednesdaydinner

We were very pleased and a bit overwhelmed by so many people who attended our De Volkskeuken The Hague dinner last Wednesday at the Gymzaal. To help us plan ahead, please sign up by noon on Wednesday if you would like to attend the dinner! You can do this by filling in this form..First…

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Renovating the Gym

Preparation for the renovation is progressing well.After forming a Renovation Group of concerned people, Corine Keus was selected as architect. Three working sessions have now taken place and a sketch design, an element budget and a preliminary planning have emerged. We in the renovation group are very happy with the design. Below you can…

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Volkskeuken diners are starting again!

Last Wednesday was the first dinner in a long time at De Volkskeuken The Hague. As usual, we will cook and eat together during the fresh market. Awesome! The meals are vegetarian (vegan options), locally/directly involved with the producer as much as possible and organic in any case. We usually make 4-6 dishes. Time:…

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Wheelbarrow run

On October 12, there will be a wheelbarrow march through The Hague. Why are we doing it?We face many challenges: CO2, nitrogen, water, climate and health. Solutions to these challenges come together in the soil. If we put the living soil at the center, we solve them all work-wise and simultaneously. This can be…

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Dinner at Hoeve Biesland

Next Saturday, September 17, we are hosting a dinner for our entire community in collaboration with Hoeve Biesland. Would you like to be there? Then reserve your seat(s) no later than September 10. You can buy your ticket during the market or in the packaging-free store.Cost: €12.50 pp and €6.25 for children between 4…

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Dinner for peace

іУкраїнська нижче UPDATE: All tickets for the dinner at Dinner for Peace at the Spinozahof are sold out. It is possible to make a donation to contribute to the workshops! With the money raised, we will organize various art and cooking workshops for Ukrainian and Dutch children, so that they can meet and become friends. You can make…

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UPDATE 21-1-'21Do you remember? On 23 December last year, we sold tickets for the Lekkernassûh lottery. The money collected by selling the tickets went entirely to the Voedselbank. We sold 278 tickets in total! Fantastic, because that means we were able to donate 139 euros to the Voedselbank. And they were very happy with…