Gymzaal opens on Tuesdays (starting 4 March)

Before the reconstruction of the Gymzaal it used to be customary to drop in during the week. For some socializing, a spontaneous jam session at the piano, doing chores together and other activities. After the reconstruction we nearly forgot about this custom (and feeling). And we want to revive it!That is why starting in…

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Welkom in De Gymzaal - foto LVDH

Gymzaal not (properly) accessible

Until March 28 installation work is being done on gas pipes and cables at the Waldeck Pyrmontkade. During that period, the passage from the Waldeck Pyrmontkade to the Witte de Withstraat will be blocked for motorists and cyclists! And during the day, a tow-away rule applies at the Gymnasium.

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Food Film Festival november (De Gymzaal)

From Nov. 15 through Dec. 5, the association Ons Eten is organizing the Food Film Festival 2024. Six of the seven films are shown in Voedsellokaal De Gymzaal. On the 5th of December ´The Seeds of Vandana Shiva´ will be shown in De Helena, H. v. Doeverenplantsoen 3. (Notice: this film replaces the originally…

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Give away corner is back

As the Gymzaal continues to take shape, more and more 'old acquaintances' are returning, including the giveaway corner. The giveaway corner has always been part of the Gymzaal and is there for everyone, rich and poor. It promotes recycling and deconsumerism. The give-away corner can be found in the corner next to the large…

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Gymzaal: who likes to assist (odd jobs)?

Soon the finishing touches will be put to the underfloor heating, the floor and the kitchen in the Gymzaal. A number of other odd jobs are still waiting for enthusiastic volunteers :)Would you like to help out on one of these jobs below? Then send an email with your name, phone number and what…

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The Gymzaal: almost there !

From the foundation Voedsel Lokaal Den Haag´s newsletter no 5: Almost there!!!!On 21 December, we had cakes in the Gymzaal for the workers. Wehad a few small setbacks, so they will still be working betweenChristmas and New year to get everything ready for the firstLekkernassûh market on 3 January, but that cake was more…

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The renovation has started!

You haven’t heard from us lately – but that doesn’t mean we have been idle! On Easter Saturday we organised the sustainable spring market. In addition to the energy-saving pan baskets, homemade soaps and ceramics that were sold at the Christmas market, visitors could buy strawberry plants from Jorick, several products from the land…

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The Gymzaal has moved temporarily

The Gymzaal, our main location, closed its doors temporarily for its long-awaited renovation. Fortunately, for the Wednesday market and our package-free shop on Saturday, we have found our home in the Helena at Helena van Doeverenplantsoen 3, 2512 ZB, The Hague. This former school building is on the edge of the city centre and…

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Renovating the Gym

Preparation for the renovation is progressing well.After forming a Renovation Group of concerned people, Corine Keus was selected as architect. Three working sessions have now taken place and a sketch design, an element budget and a preliminary planning have emerged. We in the renovation group are very happy with the design. Below you can…

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De Gymzaal has been acquired time for celebration

Message by the Lokaal Voedsel Den Haag Foundation (29 March 2022), copied from has taken us smore than ix years of applying for permits, meetings with officials, appeal procedures and more, but today (29 March 2022) the Stichting Lokaal Voedsel Den Haag could finally sign at the Notary’s office. The Gymzaal now belongs to…

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