Week 33 : August 14th

You are currently viewing Week 33 : August 14th
Deze week in het pakket / this week's package

Another diverse veggie package bursting with colour and nutrition awaits you next week! The eryngii, or king oyster mushrooms, will make a tasty and meaty addition to your meals. Simply glaze them with butter or soy and top with some herbs, or get more creative with different seasonings to really see how versatile this mushroom is!

We hope you like this package again. Please don’t forget to change your status before Sunday 8 pm if necessary.

In next Wednesday’s package

  • 1 piece of courgette | Hoeve Biesland in Delfgauw
  • 500 grams of soup tomatoes | Frank de Koning in Brielle
  • 150 grams of yellow bell pepper (1 piece) | Frank de Koning in Brielle
  • 1 pointed cabbage | Wijdehorst in Wassenaar
  • 400 grams of rhubarb | Bramenhorst in Wassenaar
  • 1 bunch of parsley | Kievit in Katwijk
  • 1 piece of lettuce | Kievit in Katwijk
  • 1 bunch of curly endive | Kievit in Katwijk
  • 150 grams of eryngii | Pleunis mushrooms in Stamproy

Third-party vendors: including bread, eggs and cheese

Help needed for the Gymzaal

The renovation of the Gymzaal is still going on. And many hands make light work! Do you like odd jobs and would you like to help us out with the finishing touches? Read here which jobs are still waiting for enthusiastic volunteers and sign up.

Also, help at the market or the packaging-free shop is always welcome. You can sign up via the market schedule to help on Wednesdays. Or sign up here to help out at the package-free shop on Saturdays.

Time to party!

We will celebrate the 10 years anniversary of Lekkernassûh Saturday the 5th of October. We are still looking for people to help plan and organise this event. If you’re interested, you can join the next meeting at 8pm on Thursday the 22nd of August at the Gym (Witte de Withstraat 127). For more information, contact: Liane Lankreijer (bestuur@lekkernassuh.org).

Paying with Timebank hours

You can use your Timebank hours to pay for your vegetable package, but also, for example, cheese or products from the packaging-free store. You earn Timebank hours by, for example, helping on the market. Knowing more? Then look here.

Do you have a surplus of Timebank hours? Please spend them at the market or package-free shop, or (if you don’t manage to spend them all), please donate them to Lekkernassuh! Ater the summer, we have a big shortage of hours, because there are more going out than coming back in.

Package-free shop
The package-free shop is open every Saturday from 11 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. in the Gymzaal. Longer opening hours call for more volunteers. Would you like to help sometime? Register via this link. More information about the store can be found here.

Don’t forget to change your status!
If you want to pick up a package on Wednesday, your subscription must be set to ACTIVE before Sunday evening, 8 p.m. And if you don’t want a package on Wednesday, your subscription must be on PAUSE before Sunday evening 8 p.m. Help us prevent buying too much; together we prevent waste. Thanks for that! Look here for more explanation.